Recipe: Broccoli Cheese Dip

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Of Tide and ThymePlanning a football party this weekend? Why not serve up this delicious recipe for Broccoli Cheese Dip from one of our very own Junior League of Annapolis, Inc. cookbooks!

This scrumptious appetizer is similar to the traditional broccoli salad that everyone knows and loves, but is chopped more finely and served with a cracker–very yummy!

Cookbook: Of Tide & Thyme

Serving: Yields 3 cups

Level of Difficulty: Easy

Cooking & Preparation Time: 20 minutes

Of Tide and Thyme


  • 2 Bunches Fresh Broccoli, finely chopped, excluding stems
  • 8 oz Cheddar Cheese, grated
  • 1 lb Bacon, cooked and crumbled
  • 1 Small Onion, finely chopped (optional)
  • 1 Cup Mayonnaise
  • 2 tbsp Vinegar (we used Apple Cider Vinegar)
  • 1/2 Cup Sugar
  • Crackers


  • Start by mixing the broccoli, cheese, bacon and onion in serving bowl.
  • In a small bowl, combine mayonnaise, vinegar and sugar. This mixture should be sweet, adjust with more sugar if not sweet.
  • Pour sauce over broccoli mixture and lightly toss.
  • Serve with crackers and enjoy!

Purchase your own copy of Of Tide & Thyme. View the full list of Junior League of Annapolis, Inc. cookbooks and items for sale.


Volunteers on the Run 5K Renamed in Honor of Member Jenn Barrett

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Jennifer Summers Barret

Jennifer Summers Barrett epitomized a strong, dedicated Junior League woman who cared deeply about her community and especially our children.  She understood the importance of literacy for youth and established the Talk, Play, Read program, connecting Junior League of Annapolis, Inc. with underprivileged neighborhoods.

Jenn’s Talk, Play, Read program offered members the opportunity to read to the children from these neighborhoods and encourage ways to continue reading at home, establishing a lasting love of reading and books. Jenn knew that this could be a gateway to a better life for these families.  She reminded us all that these amazing children are our future and it is equally important to take care of them, just as we would our own children.

Jenn tragically passed away on July 27, 2011 from a bacterial infection.  She was the biggest supporter of the Junior League’s annual Volunteers on the Run 5k fun run event. In memory of her support and her efforts as a member of our organization and community, we are pleased to announce the official renaming of our annual fun run event, in her honor. The Jennifer Summers Barrett Volunteers on the Run 5K serves as a reminder to us all of Jenn, her legacy, and her hard work in our community and the importance of caring for our children.

Member Spotlight: Megan

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Megan Esposito

League role/ position

Fun Run Co-Chair

Number of years in the Junior League


Have you been a member of other junior leagues?


Tell us a little bit about where you work.

After graduating from the Naval Academy, I spent seven years in the Navy, stationed in San Diego. I left the Navy to start a family and now stay at home with our two boys.

Where are you from and where have you lived?

I am originally from New Jersey and have lived in Rhode Island, San Diego, and now Maryland.

Tell us a little about your educational background.

U.S. Naval Academy – Oceanography

Favorite hobbies?

Mostly chasing after our boys but love anything outdoors!

What about family?

My husband and I were classmates at USNA, but didn’t really meet until we were stationed in San Diego. We would love for our boys to follow in our footsteps and become members of the class of 2030 and 2033!

New update! Megan and her husband are expecting twin boys in early 2014 – congratulations!

Tell us something unique.

I served on two surface ships stationed in San Diego and have deployed twice—once to the Middle East and once to the Western Pacific.

Finish this sentence: Being a member of Junior League inspires me . . . to work harder to help others.

Why do you love Junior League of Annapolis, Inc.?

It provides an excellent opportunity to meet people while also serving the community. Being a stay-at-home mom, it is easy to get wrapped up in your own little world. JLA exposes me to many aspects of the community that I would not get to see without seeking them out myself.

Apply now! ODI

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ODI Conference

Attention Junior League members! The Nominating & Placement committee is seeking current leaders and interested League members to attend the 2013-2014 Organization Development Institutes (ODI).

Each year, the Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI) hosts the ODI’s—A series of mission-based leadership development meetings, which are a critical component of AJLI’s training program.

These training sessions are geared toward building the knowledge of League members who manage the League’s key functions. This year’s events will be hosted as follows: Indianapolis, Indiana from October 18-20, 2013 or Fort Lauderdale, Florida from February 28-March 2, 2014.

If you would like to apply for an ODI or to receive further information, please contact Katie Jones

Download ODI Course Description

Download ODI Application

Download Tentative Agendas