Member Spotlight: Heidi

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Heidi SchmidtName: Heidi Schmidt

League role/ position: Vice President of Communications

Number of years in the Junior League: 5

Have you been a member of other junior leagues?

Yep! I originally joined JL Stamford-Norwalk in CT

Tell us a little bit about where you work:

Right now I’m freelance writing and doing part time marketing work. My writing has been in the Bay Weekly, and various websites including The DC Ladies, Blast Bombshell (a women’s interest website), and for my blog.

My part time work is for a consulting firm here in Annapolis that does Salesforce consulting.

Where are you from and where have you lived?

I grew up in Vermont, went to college in Boston and loved it. However, promptly after graduating I packed my bags for DC where a couple of months later I would meet the man who would become my husband three years later. After getting married we lived in Stamford, CT for a year before moving back to the DC area. Rather than living inside the beltway however, we picked Annapolis as our new home.

Tell us a little about your educational background:

I went to college in Boston at Northeastern University.

I studied Political Science focusing on Public Policy & Administration. I interned in the State House, on Capitol Hill and for Senator Kennedy. I worked on a presidential campaign and a senatorial race. I loved every minute of it but eventually, after a couple of jobs post-college I found my passion in communications and marketing.

Favorite hobbies?

I’m a social media geek so you’ll likely find me on my computer if I’m not attending one of many play dates with my little boy or out for a run or at a yoga class. In re: to those play dates? One of my pals once called me a play group hussy. I call it play group networking.

What about family?

My family is comprised of my husband Adam, my son Ethan and our two cats Sally and Joba (after the Yankees pitcher. Not the hut.)

Extended family: I have two older siblings (a sister and brother) and two younger step brothers – all of whom still live in VT.

Tell us something unique.

Not necessarily unique but definitely interesting: I was on stage when John Kerry accepted the presidential nomination in 2004. I was an alternate delegate to the DNC and our delegate coordinator  asked if I wanted to be on stage so I said sure! It was a pretty amazing experience. At that same convention, we had a delegate breakfast that Barack Obama spoke at.

Finish this sentence: Being a member of Junior League inspires me . . . to constantly do better. To love our community and constantly find ways that we can work together to improve it and to constantly be advancing myself and bettering myself professionally.

Why do you love Junior League of Annapolis, Inc.?

This league has become home to me. The women in this league inspire and motivate me in so many ways. I love the community impact projects we do that help improve the lives of others. I love the friends I’ve made and the laughs we’ve shared – at league events and meetings and outside of the league as well. I love that as a league we can quantifiably say “we’ve made this difference in AA County” – it’s a pretty powerful thing and an amazing group to be a part of.

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