Apply now! ODI

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ODI Conference

Attention Junior League members! The Nominating & Placement committee is seeking current leaders and interested League members to attend the 2013-2014 Organization Development Institutes (ODI).

Each year, the Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI) hosts the ODI’s—A series of mission-based leadership development meetings, which are a critical component of AJLI’s training program.

These training sessions are geared toward building the knowledge of League members who manage the League’s key functions. This year’s events will be hosted as follows: Indianapolis, Indiana from October 18-20, 2013 or Fort Lauderdale, Florida from February 28-March 2, 2014.

If you would like to apply for an ODI or to receive further information, please contact Katie Jones

Download ODI Course Description

Download ODI Application

Download Tentative Agendas

E&T: Movie and Conversation

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On a brisk Friday evening in October, a group of JLA members came together for an E&T event– Movie and Conversation.

After catching up with each other, the members changed gears and watched Miss Representation, a documentary that focuses on how women are depicted in the media within our country, and how that representation influences women’s roles in society.  The documentary interviews a number of women and men, from high schoolers who feel pressured by the media to act and look a certain way, to career women, who provide examples of how the media sexualizes other women in their profession.  According to, “The film challenges the media’s limited and often disparaging portrayals of women and girls, which make it difficult for women to achieve leadership positions and for the average woman or girl to feel powerful herself.”  The 90 minute documentary proved to be both attention-catching and thought-provoking.

After the movie, the members discussed the documentary and what they will take away from the viewing. Many stated that watching the documentary helped them to see the importance of discussing the issue with their children, who may be influenced by what they see on TV and in the news.

If you did not have a chance to attend the event, we encourage you to watch the movie. If you are interested in borrowing the film, you can contact Pam Flake.

You can also learn more about the documentary and the corresponding social action campaign at

Exercise your Civic Responsibility and Prepare to Vote!

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The Education & Training Committee wants to send a couple reminders out about the upcoming election! Exercise your Constitutional right by voting in your local and national elections! Important local and national elections will take place on November 6, 2012.

If you will be out of town on November 6th, vote early by Absentee Ballot! Requests are due by Oct 30.  Click here to find directions for filing your Absentee Ballot:  You can also choose to vote early if you wish to avoid lines or have a busy day on November 6.

How to prepare for the elections: You can visit to see a list of the candidates for each position, and to learn about the statewide ballot questions. You should also have received your model ballot in the mail, which includes additional information on some of the sections. We encourage you to take some time to learn about the candidates and the issues, so that you can come into the voting booth prepared. There are seven statewide ballot questions this year, which are:

  • Question 1 – Constitutional Amendment – Qualifications for Prince George’s County Orphans’ Court Judges
  • Question 2 – Constitutional Amendment – Qualifications for Baltimore County Orphans’ Court Judges
  • Question 3 – Constitutional Amendment – Suspension and Removal of Elected Officials
  • Question 4 – Referendum Petition – Public Institutions of Higher Education – Tuition Rates
  • Question 5 – Referendum Petition – Congressional Districting Plan
  • Question 6 – Referendum Petition – Civil Marriage Protection Act
  • Question 7 – Gaming Expansion Referendum – Gaming Expansion

To read the full questions and to learn more, please visit: