The ABCs of COPR

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COPR (Community Outreach and Project Research) is in the midst of an incredibly important League year. The committee is currently searching for two community partners to develop a project that aligns with the JLA focus area of Narrowing the Achievement Gap.

JLA’s current projects are in their final year, and COPR is searching for two other community projects for the next three League years. One of our current community impact projects is Empowering Women in partnership with Sarah’s House, a supportive housing program helping the homeless community in Anne Arundel County.

The JLA develops and conducts seminars for the guests of Sarah’s House to provide them with life skills to take with them when they transition out of Sarah’s House. Sample seminars have included “Time Management,” “First Aid/CPR,” and “Simple Meals.”

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2014 Center of Help Picnic

The second project is Helping Hands in partnership with The Center of Help (Centro de Ayuda), which offers assistance to the non-English speaking children in Anne Arundel County. The JLA provides homework help and various field trips including museums and sporting events.


2014 Center of Help

COPR is also responsible for organizing “Done in a Day” events, which allow the League to become involved with community organizations outside of our long-term partners. Done in a Day events have included packing lunches for the Light House Shelter, a blood drive with the Red Cross, and coat drive partnering with Admiral Cleaners, among many others. Done in a Day project request forms can be found on

2010 Ship Shape Kids Health Fair

2010 Ship Shape Kids Health Fair

The committee will begin receiving new applications at the RFP (Request for Proposal) workshop on Tuesday, November 18th at 9 am. During this workshop, the committee will provide guidance to interested organizations as they get ready to submit their application. The deadline for submitting proposals is January 15, 2015. All applications will be reviewed and then go to JLA membership for a final vote.

Have questions about this exciting time for the COPR committee? Reach out to

Welcome! A Letter from Our President

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On behalf of the 2014-2015 Junior League of Annapolis Board, I’d like to welcome everyone to our new League year! We have another busy year ahead of us and I am excited to share a few of the highlights that will be happening this year.

To start, we are continuing with our two-provisional class initiative this year. I hope you will join us at one of our two New Member Open Houses this fall. Don’t forget to bring along your enthusiastic and talented girlfriends to learn what JLA is all about!

We are entering our third and final year for our two community impact programs at Sarah’s House and the Center For Help. Requests for new projects will be going out to the community soon and you will be hearing a lot from our COPR committee this year as we move throughout the process of choosing new projects this spring.  

This year we will also be placing more emphasis on training by initiating a process to provide training tracks for league members. We think this will offer a unique and valuable experience for our members, as well as tie back to our mission of promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.  

I’d like to thank all of the Sustainers who continue on this journey with us and the Active members who have recommitted for another year.  Our Sustainers are our history, but we don’t want them to remain in the past!  We are looking forward to re-engaging and reinvigorating our Sustainer base this year, and hope to see many of them at upcoming meetings and events.  Our Active members provide the vision to determine where we are going. 

Finally, I’d like to thank all of our donors and sponsors. I look forward to continuing our relationship–without your support, we could not be women as catalysts for lasting change!

Very sincerely,

Julie Mussog

2014-2015 President

Today’s the day: Great Give is here!

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Great Give 2014 is here! 

The Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County’s Great Give 2014 starts today at 6 pm. Help us raise $5,000 within the next 24 hours by donating here!

Together we can do it, but we need your help. Visit between 6 pm today and 6 pm tomorrow, select Junior League of Annapolis, Inc. to support us with your online donation.

Your gift today could help us win thousands of dollars through Great Give Cash Awards, including $2,000 for Leader of the Pack Award for the nonprofit with the most donors during event kick-off timeframe of 6-7 pm tonight.

Speaking of kickoff and tonight, be sure to celebrate with us at our official Great Give Kick-Off Party at Metropolitan Kitchen & Lounge. Help us raise money while mingling with your favorite Junior Leaguers and enjoy happy hour specials until 8 pm, including a signature Junior League martini! This event is open to the public. In fact, we encourage you to bring a whole lot of people–spouses, family, friends, that weird neighbor you’ve been spying on, co-workers, interns, your hairdresser, you hairdresser’s hairdresser. You name it, all are invited.

We’re on Google+

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We’re officially on Google Plus!

Here at Junior League of Annapolis, Inc. we’re committed to staying involved in our community, and that involves staying involved with our members. Whether you’re a social media fan or foe, there’s something for everyone. We strive to keep our members active, happy and engaged whether that’s through our weekly eBlasts, Facebook and Twitter posts or our weekly blog posts.*

Not sure where to follow us? You’re in luck! Find us anywhere and everywhere online. . .

Don’t forget to add us to your Google+ circles and check out some of our exclusive community partners and sponsors.

*Disclaimer: Not all blog posts are published weekly. Though the manager of our Junior League of Annapolis blog intends to post at least twice a week, this is not a guarantee and therefore represents the benefit of being a member of a volunteer organization in that no one can fire her for her posting frequency as she holds the key to the blog–the account login! This message is brought to you by your faithful writer who is posting on a Friday afternoon and therefore is a little bit delirious from work week fatigue. 🙂